Columnist. Painter. Jeweller. Blogger.

Friday, September 23, 2011


What is it, this tension I feel?  Is it because I'm seeing my oldest grandson, Powie, for lunch?  No, I am genuinely excited about that, Have even figured out the menu that I will have my driver buy.  Just two big sticks of delicious barbecue and the eggplant relish sold down the street.  Good old-fashioned Filipino food to alleviate his years in San Francisco.  What am I talking about?  They have delicious Filipino food available there.  Well, I throw myself in for comfort.  No, that's not the tension I feel.

What is it? It hovers between tension, anxiety, eagerness, a tightening of the chest so breathing is somewhat constricted, though not too seriously.  It's just a feeling that this old body is slowing down but pleasantly.  I think I am genuinely looking forward to something, to an event that will happen probably soon.  I just wish I knew exactly what it will be.

So no, it is not tension after all.  It's looking forward.  I think I am looking forward to teaching writing again.  This all began over lunch with my second grandson, Nicc.  He asked me to teach him how to write and that moved me.  Okay, I said, I will open a class for you but this time it will be for men only.  Why?  Because in my previous classes I noticed a minority of men and they were often cowed by the women.  Women have easier access to their right brains.  Men are stronger in the left brain.  I have to learn how to open up their right brains so they can flow with my process and become better writers.  This very thought excites me.

Lat night I took down the book I use for my writing classes and began to study again.  That is what adds a buoyancy to my life these days, the new thing I will be doing in a few weeks.  I will be teaching men how to write.

That is immensely exciting for me.

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