Columnist. Painter. Jeweller. Blogger.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

So much time has passed since I last -- what is the correct term -- blogged?  Two years, almost.  I cannot believe it.  It feels like something serious must have happened.  Maybe I died.  But in truth, I have been alive -- in varying degrees, yes -- but breathing anyway.

I don't really remember why I stopped.  But never mind.  Maybe now I can continue to write a blog whenever I feel like.  Like tonight.  Tuesday night, 14 January 2014.  I came back from a StemTech training meeting with my new StemTech friends.  Had fun, laughed a lot, but that's not what moved me to write again.

I decided to leave at 4:30, whether or not the meeting was finished, to avoid coming home at rush hour.  The thickness of the traffic from around 5:00 pm upward drives me mad.  I am growing old, you see, and now realize that as one grows older her patience goes the other direction.  Have you ever seen a patient child?  There is no such thing.  I have about as much patience as a five-year-old these days.  A small provocation can bring on a tantrum.

As I was waiting for my car a young lady who I saw attending the conference came out and called, Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Gonzalez . . .   I turned around and smiled at her.  She took my hand and shook it.  I just wanted to meet you.  All these years I have been reading you.  My children are grown up now and I'm a widow already.  I read your articles and your book How Do You Know Your Pearls Are Real?  My name is Leah.

Thank you, I said.  Still smiling.  I wanted to say more things but since she surprised me I found myself tongue-tied.  Do you sell Stem Enhance?  I ask rather recklessly.  I mean, that's where we were, at a training session.

I'm just starting to.  I arrived late.  I will try to.

Yes, please try to.  It's a great product.  I would have told her about my experience with Stem Enhance, how I found it, how it helped me.  But my car arrived and she seemed in a rush to return.

She took my hand again and said, My name is Leah.

Yes, I said, and watched her return to the training.

So I came home and decided to look up my blogspot, found it and decided to write in it again just to discover what it's like.  I write for the Star on Saturdays, every Saturday, but these days sometimes I think I will quit.  The only thing preventing me from doing that is what will happen to the money I earn from the column, not much but enough to pay my driver's salary.  But it gives me a voice and I kind of enjoy receiving texts of agreement or disagreement.  At least I have people to connect with.  

I thought maybe I should also revive my blog and talk to a younger audience.  So here I am once again, hoping I won't bore you.

So that's the news.  Once Tweetums disappeared but now -- watch out -- the funky old lady is back!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back Ma'am. I had been reading your columns forever. You are an ageless writer who writes about timeless things. So there, will definitely look forward to your blog posts.
